Monday, August 31, 2015

How To Build Muscle Fast: Have You Tried These Tricks?

Ok, so you want to build muscle faster? I must tell you in advance there is no so called 'fast way' to do it, but yes a little cheating and some straying may help you do that. But, if you want to get muscles like Arnold or Stallone, there is no easy way out to do that. 

Seeing faster result gains doesn't always require getting on a drastically different workout plan or following an ultra-scientific diet. Small changes can add up to major results. Hope these tweaks and tricks may help
Cheat on your diet
It doesn't mean you have to skip meals or add junk to your diet, but occasional straying or cheating won't get you in trouble, rather it assist in losing fat. It doesn't mean to stuff up on carbohydrates and increase calorie intake for a single day. But a single meal of anything you want: a pizza, a burger and fries, lasagna, etc can help.
Dieting strictly drops the level of leptin in your body. Leptin is a hormone responsible for keeping hunger down and metabolism up, so when it drops, you burn fewer calories but eat more. Overeating once in a while boosts your leptin levels, thereby keeping your metabolism high and hunger low.
Do compound lifts
In compound exercises, you do lifts that work muscle at more than one joint. You gain a lot more mass with compound exercises. These include the dead lift, squat, press, row and chinup. Compound lifts recruit a lot of muscle mass, making for efficient training and a big release of hormones such as testosterone that promote muscle growth. After compound lifts, there is nothing wrong in some isolation work—curls, leg extensions. Treat them like dessert after you've had the main course. 

Muscle building supplements to build muscle fast
You will find out today or maybe later that you can't build muscle faster without supplements. Never go for steroids and do not take this point wrong. There are some really best muscle builder supplements like xtreme no and Whey protein to help you build muscle faster. Supplements have ingredients that help you gain weight and build muscle faster. Body building supplements also help you recover faster from hard training routine.

Train legs
Never ignore your lower body, this is the biggest mistake you'd ever make in muscle building. When you see your legs, they don't make you as proud as your biceps and triceps. Legs have the biggest muscle in your body and getting them strong by training boost testosterones and all other muscles benefit from it. It is because, they recruit muscle everywhere—even in your shoulders and back-and they promote the release of hormones that build size and strength.

Rest, Relax and Recover
Recovery is imperative for muscle growth, and nothing is more relaxing than simply sleeping more. Technically, you in a perfect world gets eight to nine hours sleep per night, but that's not realistic. If you workout everyday, you may give up because of no results or because of lack of passion. It's very important to let your muscle recover. When you feel tired, sick and weak, it means your muscles haven't recovered properly and you need rest. You can train better if you rest more than you train. Plus, rest keeps your mind clear and motivated. I hope you don't want to hate the gym.
Every individual is different and may see different results with all these muscle building tricks and techniques. 

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